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Rosh Hashanah Learning Packet: Early Childhood Education

This Rosh Hashanah-themed activity packet for early childhood education is designed for young learners to deepen their understanding of academics while developing an appreciation for the Jewish New Year.


The 25-page packet features vibrant Rosh-Hashanah graphics like shofars, Torahs, round challahs, apples, and honey. Simply print, gather some pencils and crayons, and you're good to go! It's that easy!


Students will explore mathematical concepts by counting various objects related to Rosh Hashanah, including shofars, apples, bees, and honey jars. They'll match numerals with corresponding quantities, practice basic subtraction, and practice writing number words.

Letters & Words

The packet includes alphabet activities that focus on letter recognition. Your students will have fun identifying, tracing, and writing Rosh Hashanah-related words and coloring them to enhance their learning experience.

Pattern recognition is a crucial skill for young learners, and this packet provides enjoyable pattern practice exercises. Using fun Rosh Hashanah symbols like apples, honey jars, and shofars, students will continue and create patterns, reinforcing their understanding of sequencing. They will also engage their fine motor skills by tracing or cutting different line patterns.

Rosh Hashanah Reflections
In addition to academic skills, the packet delves into the meaning of Rosh Hashanah. Students will explore the concept of mitzvot and engage in a personal reflection activity where they can write or draw about a situation involving apologizing, fostering empathy and self-awareness.

Best suitable for PreK-1st Grade.


Save now with the bundle when you add the Hanukkah version!

Rosh Hashanah Learning Packet: Early Childhood Education

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