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Roll & Read Bundle

Hebrew Roll & Read offers a fun way for Hebrew School students to boost their reading skills. Ideal for two players, the game is interactive and easy to use. You'll just need one copy per player, a pencil, and a die to share. No dice? No problem! A printable template is provided.


Each edition comes with two boards and 48 practice words targeting specific letters, vowels, or prayer words.


How to Play

Players take turns rolling the die, reading, and circling a word from the matching column. The first player to read and circle at least one Hebrew word from each column wins.



Gimmel, Shin, Sin

Board 1: Worksheet 1: Gimmel

Board 2. Worksheet 2: Shin vs. Sin


Final Chaf Edition

Board 1. Worksheet 1: Final Chaf 

Board 2. Worksheet 2: Final Chaf


Cholam Vowel Practice

Board 1: Twenty practice words focused on the cholam vowel.

Board 2: Twenty practice words focused on the cholam vowel.


Tefillah Edition

Board 1: Shabbat Blessings

Board 2: Barchu, Shema, Tzur Yisrael


How to Play

Players take turns rolling the die, reading, and circling a word from the matching column. The first player to read and circle at least one Hebrew word from each column wins.


Roll & Read Bundle

$17.00 Regular Price
$15.25Sale Price

    A bundle is a collection of two or more individual resources offered at a discounted rate when purchased together.

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