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Introduction to Food Vocabulary

Introduction to Hebrew Food Vocabulary will teach students how to express their desire for a variety of foods while developing critical language skills along the way. 


In this unit, students will learn the Hebrew words for "want" (רוֹצֶה/רוֹצָה) and "to eat" (לֶאֱכֹל) while also developing their knowledge of essential food-related vocabulary. They'll practice using Hebrew pronouns and conjugating verbs through color-coded guides, worksheets, and interactive activities.


Best of all, prior knowledge of Hebrew vocabulary is not required. All the necessary words for this unit are provided in ready-to-use student handouts, each accompanied by delightful images to aid memory retention.


The Roll-a-Hebrew-Sentence activity features color-coded cubes for conjugation, each corresponding to a specific part of speech. This innovative approach helps students grasp sentence syntax and understand the connections between different sentence components, enabling them to blend, combine, and generate multiple sentence variations.



Vocabulary Reference Guides

Reinforcement Worksheets

Classroom Games

Cubes (6)

Roll-a-Hebrew-Sentence Activity

Answer Keys


Before You Buy

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Introduction to Food Vocabulary

SKU: 14336114878468055568
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