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Rosh Hashanah Worksheets

This delightful collection of Rosh Hashanah-themed worksheets is designed to simplify your teaching experience. Whether you're in a classroom or running a high holiday program, students will have fun completing an assortment of captivating activities while deepening their understanding and appreciation of the Jewish New Year.



Rosh Hashanah Word Search

Rosh Hashanah Crossword Puzzle

Rosh Hashanah Crack the Code

Word Scramble

Word Matrix

Create a Wacky Rosh Hashanah Story (compare to Mad Libs)

Rosh Hashanah Coloring Pages

Shalom BINGO 

Plus more!


To make your holiday complete, you'll also receive two sets of Rosh Hashanah blessings: one with and one without transliteration. 


Before you Buy

Save when you upgrade to the High Holidays Bundle.


Year-Round Jewish Holiday Worksheets

Save when you upgrade to the Jewish Holiday Worksheet Variety Pack.


Rosh Hashanah Worksheets

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