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learn hebrew on line

Gaining fluency with the Avot v'Imahot portion of the Amidah prayer requires repetition. Reading drills can feel tedious and unmotivating. Hebrew 4 in a Row is an easy-to-use "no-prep" solution that is far more exciting than reading out of a book!


Digital 4 in a Row is a social, dynamic, and strategically competitive way to learn the words from the Avot v'Imahot prayer. Your students will love dragging and dropping the digital markers onto the Hebrew words as they are read. This no-prep Hebrew game is easy so to use. Simply share your screen and give remote access.


How to Play:

Keeping the motto "Say it" before you "Play it" in mind, students take turns dragging and dropping their markers onto the Hebrew words. The first player to get 4 in a row, in any direction, wins!


This activity is formatted in Google Slides.

Digital Tefillah 4 in a Row: Avot v'Imahot

SKU: 00196852394678-57
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